Friday, January 16, 2009

No School!

School was cancelled for Ashly yesterday and today due to it being colder than 2o below. Yikes! No school on Monday either, due to Martin Luther King Day. Wow...a five day weekend for them. It's almost like Christmas vacation all over again. It is nice to stay inside when it is this cold out though. Ashly has been relaxing and reading the second book in the Twilight series.

The carpet is being installed downstairs as I type this. So glad this is getting done before the baby was is loud! This weekend Ashly and Chadd will be busy moving Ashly downstairs. Very exciting! We kept telling Ashly this is the last week you are sleeping in your old room. She is very ready to move down and have some of her own space.

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and everything is looking good. Baby is head down (good boy!) and ready to go. 4 weeks or less to go!

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