Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas in Langdon

We had a great time in Langdon for Christmas. We left Saturday morning and the roads were slow going the entire way, so that made for a long trip. We made it there in about 8.5 hours (with 6 stops for the pregnant lady!) Mom and dad's house looks great in town! It was so fun to see the nice new basement and garage. We were last there in June when the house had just been moved off the farm into town. We had our usual pizza noodle bake for Christmas dinner, then opened presents. We got some baby presents. How fun!

Seems like the Symons family can't ever be together without a few tears shed...this time they were happy tears! When we were all done opening presents, Dad handed Mom one last gift. She opened it up and it was a gold wedding band...for him! After many years of farming, Dad started wearing his ring again, which meant alot to my mom. Apparently, (and I didn't know this) after not wearing it through his cancer treatments last year, it was "misplaced, lost, whatever" and so he got another one! How sweet! I can relate, I love when Chadd wears his wedding ring. There's just something about it. Way to go dad! You get the "romantic of the year" award again. Although I didn't think you could top yourself after last fall when mom "misplaced, lost, whatever" her wedding rings (are we seeing a theme here???). Dad bought Mom another ring and got down on his knees and "re-proposed." Hopefully you two will keep track of all your rings now!!!

Everyone is happy and healthy in the family and we couldn't ask for anything more. Hopefully it won't be six months again before we get back to Langdon!

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