Sunday, April 3, 2011

Long Story Short

So here's how the story goes....Friday night we put together Christopher's new Radio Flyer tricycle. It's the kind that have the handle for the parents to push the kid before they learn how to pedal. Ashly was at an overnight event at the church, so Chadd, Christopher and I were having a blast playing outside, trying out the new tricycle, playing in the sandbox, pushing the toy lawn mower, playing ball. When it was time to come in we pick everything up quickly and go inside. The next morning, I pick Ashly up from the church at 830 and take her to track practice at the high school. At 1030 I pick her up from track practice and I take her back to the church to finish her event there. On our way back to the church, Ashly comments how someone lost their camera on the highway between our gas station and grocery store. I see it quickly, but say "whatever," not thinking anything of it. Last evening I sit down to do a blog posting. I was going to show you all the fun pictures of the tricycle from Friday night and all of Christopher's smiling dimples because he loves the bike!!! I realize I can't find my camera anywhere! It only took me about 5 minutes to put together all the events of the last two days and realize that I must have left my camera on the trunk of my car when I was taking pictures Friday night. It fell off when I took the corner the first time to pick Ashly up, we saw it on the second time to the church that morning when Ashly commented on it. I realized this at about 5pm. We hopped in the car to look for it. It wasn't there anymore. I ran into the gas station and grocery store to ask if anyone had turned in a camera...nope. So here we are...that's the end of my story! But not the end of my blog! I guess we will be shopping for another camera. And since Chadd broke our last camera a couple years ago at Christmas, we are even!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully you are smart and unload your pictures occassionally... I know SOME people who don't do that. :)

    Photo safety first!
