Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Eggs and Bunny

There was no school on Friday and I took the day off work so the three of us were home. We colored easter eggs! This was Christopher's first time doing it and he had a blast. He wanted to eat one, but when I peeled one, he remembered he doesn't like eggs!

Coloring on an egg.

There's the beautiful eggs!

On Saturday morning we went to the Macy's Bunny Breakfast at 9am with Chadd's family - well, all the women and children in Chadd's family! Chadd and his dad had their own breakfast at IHOP! Here Ashly and Christopher are waiting in line for face painting.

There's my cute little bunny! It was such a fun Easter this year since last year he was too little to understand the hype!

Christopher was so excited he was shaking when he saw the easter bunny. He wasn't scared at all. He laughed and talked to him and hugged him.

Here's all the kids! There were 10 cousins.

Me and Christopher

Nana and Christopher. Thanks to Nana for a great breakfast! We had so much fun!

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