Tuesday, November 9, 2010

No Fun :(

It was bound to happen because last week when I took him to daycare they told me he was the only one that wasn't sick yet. Well, now he is :( He did not have a very good day. We tried going to Walmart and he cried and cried and coughed and coughed, even if I carried him, so we had to leave. Later, it was so beautiful outside, I took him outside and it lasted about 15 minutes and he wanted to go in. He wouldn't take a nap, he cried and cried. I tried to rock him and he rolled all over the liviningroom floor eventually sleeping for about 20 minutes. What an icky day for the little guy. I hope tonight and tomorrow is better. I'm suppose to work and he is supposed to go to daycare...hopefully.


  1. Aren't people supposed to keep their kids at home if they're sick? To prevent infecting the rest of the kids at daycare?
