Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kitchen chairs

Now that Christopher has learned how to climb up on the kitchen chairs, he gets into so much more. There is no such thing as putting things "on the table" or "on the counter" to keep it away from him.

He found the goldfish.

And he dumped the whole thing out in a matter of seconds when I was trying to take a picture and put the camera down.

His other new thing he likes to do is shake his head "no" whenever you ask him a question now. It's cute. I was trying to show him how to shake his head "yes" too!
Ashly went to Hinkley overnight with a friend last night. She and her friend babysat her friend's little brother who is three in the hotel, they swam and had a good time while the friend's mom and boyfriend went to the casino! Whatever works!

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