Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Some updates on Christopher:
He has now learned how to climb onto the couch and kitchen chairs himself. He will jump off the couch and he thinks it's pretty funny. One night when he did it continuously I decided to put some pillows to soften his fall. Getting onto the kitchen chairs is great and all...except that leads to the table, which can lead to a nasty fall. He has also figured out how to open the gate to the stairs that Chadd built. This just means we have to lock it which is more of a pain than anything else. So far no stitches or broken bones :)
He is also saying alot more. It's mostly mumbo jumbo, but I can see some words are on the verge of forming. His real words so far are "mama" "dada" "ball" "bye" beyond that you have to use your imagination!!! It will come with time!
He is doing very well at climbing on playground equipment and the little slide we brought home around Easter time from his cousin's Nick and Emily, he can climb up and slide down all by himself now!

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