Thursday, May 13, 2010

First Haircut

The first haircut went well. He sat for a few minutes in the car, then he was reaching for me and whining. I held him for the second half, but he really just wanted to get down and run around. There was no screaming or crying though, so I call that a success!

The lady who cut his hair was really nice and she said that little girls usually sit good, but not little boys. She says they usually do rock, paper, scissors and don't want to do the little boys! She was saying it jokingly and she did a great job with him moving!

They gave Christopher a "1st haircut" card and we saved a lock of his hair (for what, I don't know!)

Handsome's my little Chadd.

For some reason I think he should act a little more mature now that he looks older, but that ain't happening!!!
I want to say, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to my wonderful father today. I know you said you stopped paying attention to your birthday these days, so I wish you a happy day not just today on your birthday, but EVERYDAY! I love you, Dad!

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