Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ashly's D.C. Pictures

Friends were made.

Lots of friends.

Hard to say goodbye.

This is Ashly's roommate, Demery from Connecticut.

Another friend, at Hard Rock Cafe.

Hard Rock Cafe

Dinner cruise on the Potomac River.

Changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier.

Arlington National Cemetery

Arlington National Cemetery

Arlington National Cemetery

Arlington National Cemetery

Arlington National Cemetery

What a great group of kids!

Dinner cruise

Lincoln Monument

Jefferson Monument

At the White House. Ashly said if the guard is right outside the door like that the President is inside the House. When I saw the White House the day before, the guard was not there, but when Ashly was there, the guard was there.

Ashly in front of the White House

Ashly and a friend

Snipers on the roof of the White House...they are always there, watching, so be careful!!!

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