Tuesday, April 20, 2010



Here's Cman dancing around, taking a sip of water every now and then. I'm so excited for the little guy, he's doing so well at daycare. He's currently in the infant room and that goes until he is 16 months, then he'll go to the toddler room . One of the ladies, Lori, that works in the toddler room has been grabbing Christopher when they have activities, like playing outside, circle time, things like that, and letting Christopher get in on it. She says he is doing really well with the older kids and she can't wait for him to come on over to her room. That's pretty exciting, a huge step in his world. Not a baby anymore...no more crib, no more high chair, nuk only at nap time!

1 comment:

  1. No crib??? How did that go? He's definately looking like a little boy now.
