Monday, April 12, 2010

Food is messy!

I was so excited all year to be done with bottles. I told myself it'll be so nice when I don't have to deal with washing a million bottles a day. What was I thinking??? Food is so much more work! FOOD IS MESSY!!! Messy food on the face, in the hair, on the walls, on the floor. Just another day...

Ashly and Christohper are buddies. Ashly rocked Christopher to sleep on Friday and Saturday night. On Saturday night, she was in his room for a long time so I thought I would check on them and they were both fast asleep in the rocking chair!
Another fun new thing. The last couple nights I get up when Christopher is crying in the middle of the night and he manages to get his foot stuck in the railing of the crib in his sleep...ABOVE THE BUMPERS!!! The bumpers serve a very good purpose, but they don't go up all the way to the top of the crib, and no one would have thought they should. Christopher is high maintenance! It's fine, who really likes to sleep through the whole night without getting up anyways. He's just keeping me in my place!!!

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