Wednesday, November 18, 2009

9 months old

Wow! I can't believe we are here already...9 months old! I just love this age! Christopher had his 9 month well check yesterday and everything is great. He doesn't have any fluid in his right ear anymore so that means no tubes, yeah! As you all notice, he's got bright red cheeks. The doctor has diagnosed that as eczema from the beginning. It's nearly gone away from his elbows and back of knees, but it just doesn't seem to clear from his face. So we got a prescription hydrocortizone 2.5% and told to use OTC vannicream. We'll see if that works. I had people constantly coming up to him saying how cute his red cheeks are. I had someone in the hallways of the clinic say that yesterday, someone in the grocery store, his swimming lessons teacher said it. He weighs 22 pounds 4.2 ounces (74 percentile) and is 28 inches (37%). Pretty consistent growth, that is what we like to hear. And he's got 6 teeth now, 4 on top and 2 on bottom.

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