He's trying so hard to reach his bears!!!!
There was an incident at Century (middle school) and the high school in Forest Lake today so they took precautions at Ashly's school, Southwest. This is an email from the principal:
Good afternoon, this is Marc Peterson, principal at Southwest. I'm calling with information relating to the lockdown this morning at the high school and Centry Junior High School.The incident involved an unidentified person who entered Century at about 6:40 a.m. Staff members witnessed the person entering the building. The unidentified person then left the building and the Century staff members followed the person out of the building. The person headed west toward the high school. The staff members followed him as he approached an entry door of the high school, at which point, the staff members lost contact with him. Suspecting that the individual may have gained entry to the high school, the high school immediately went into a lockdown, and law enforcement was notified. As buses were arriving at school, students were kept on the buses during the lock down. Students arriving by car were kept in their vehicles during the lock down. A thorough sweep of the building was conducted by law enforcement as they searched every room. After concluding that the suspicious person was not in the building, law enforcement determined that the building was safe for students and staff. At 8:20, students were allowed into school and school began at 8:30.If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at Southwest.
Ashly said since her school wasn't really involved they had limitations, but continued to go to class.