Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spring Break

Say "CHEESE!!!" Click!

Our computer has been out sick! Thanks to Chadd for figuring out how to get us back up and operating. We ended up getting a couple of viruses (yes, we have protection, it doesn't always work :) !!!) Luckily, our hard drive was ok so we just had to reload all our programs and upgrade to Windows 7. Yippeeee!!

Ashly is enjoying her Spring Break from school this week. She spent the day on Sunday at the Mall of America with some goofy friends as you can see from this picture. She had fun going on rides and shopping!

Ashly and her friend, Alexa
Ashly also spent the day on Monday with Chadd's parents. And her and Chadd's mom did some more sewing. I still promise to post pictures of her final products some day! We are going to end Spring Break by going to a hotel and waterpark for some fun in Duluth. I think it goes without saying that we are all ready for Spring. What a long winter this has been!

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