Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fargo Family Fun

We had a great time in Fargo. It felt good to catch up with everyone I hadn't seen since Christmas. Christopher had so much fun playing with Daisy the cat.

Mom and Dad at our little pizza party!

Jennie, Bobbi, Steve and Libby enjoying some pizza.

The kids table - Christopher, Jordyn, Brittany and Ashly

Christopher got some great birthday presents - a grill from Uncle Steve and Aunt Lib!

A teeball set from Uncle Blake and Aunt Jennie!

And another rat.....eek!!!! They are a favorite!

He likes to run around with only a diaper on. He got pretty wound up and was sitting in the cat bed!

This is the cool Thomas the Train hat that grandpa got for Cman!!! One of a kind!

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