Saturday, December 5, 2009


It's cold outside. I guess winter is really coming. Christopher got a little something. On Wednesday night he had a fever and cough and did not sleep, so I got to go to work on 3 hours of sleep. Chadd and little guy slept in until 7am and he seemed ok so we took him to daycare and he it went ok. No more fever since then, just a little cough. I think he'll shake it off. Yesterday, Chadd and I both took the days off work and went xmas shopping. It was a lot of fun. We were done by 1pm and that was when the mall was just starting to get busy.

Ashly helped plan the school dance last night as part of the student council. She sold tickets over her lunch break all week. The dance was slumber party theme and you wore your pajamas. They had a DJ and showed a movie. Then she stayed overnight at a friend's house because we had Chadd's work xmas party last night. Chadd's mom and dad watched Christopher and we went to Buca's in St. Paul. It was a nice party, but we were ready for bed when we got home at 1130 last night!

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