Sunday, June 28, 2009

Nice weekend

Ashly and Christopher are buddies. Ashly loves to spend time with him and loves making him laugh. It's great to see them bond. We had a nice weekend. Friday night we took Ashly to a pool party and Chadd and I had a mini date night with Christopher. We went out to eat at a restaurant we had never been to. Then Saturday and Sunday was catch up on projects around the house. We went grocery shopping, got a ceiling fan for Christopher's room, Chadd finished the details in the bathroom downstairs (towel rack, toilet paper holder, picture). Chadd grilled burgers and brats for us. We love Chadd's grilling! Last night we were just hanging out on the deck while Chadd grilled supper and we saw a deer in our back yard. Cute little guy. Ashly got bored and she kept asking for ideas what to do, so finally I came up with the idea that she should ride her bike to McDonalds in Wyoming and buy herself a couple of Redbox movies. Well, she did just that and we got a call from her because it started pouring out all of sudden. It was beautiful outside up until then. So Chadd had to go pick her up. I guess my idea was so great afterall!

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