Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June Updates

Yeah! We have a computer again. It's been over a month, and let me tell ya...it's hard to live without technology when you are so used to it. So, I have a lot of catching up to do. Here's a quick summary of the last month.

Ashly has been enjoying the summer. She has managed to find a friend to play with and run around the neighborhood with everyday. One thing I don't have to worry about is her becoming a couch potato. She'd rather be playing with friends, than watching TV. That's a good thing! She did a carwash last weekend for a church fundraiser and she spends many hours playing with Christopher.

Christopher is doing wonderful at daycare! He got his first "communicable" disease from daycare...a double eye infection. Luckily, we had to go to the doctor for his four month checkup so we were able to ask the doctor about his eyes. There was green goop coming out of them for about a week, but doc thought it was viral so no eyedrops, and it cleared up on its own. At his four month checkup he got more shots. He weighed 16 pounds 9.8 ounces (73 percentile) and height is 25.5inches (67 percentile). He's a big boy, healthy and happy!

We started feeding him rice cereal with his last feeding of the day. The first two nights he cried. He would suck on the spoon and cry when he realized it wasn't the bottle. But after that he got the hang of it and he does really well. After we do this awhile, we will start with veggies. Some more big developments is he rolls over from his back to his tummy. It's cute and exciting, but causes a problem in the crib. He gets stuck on his stomach and cries. Needless to say, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night because of that. I have a plan to use the wedge again to keep him on his back. I hope that works...we'll see. Both Chadd and I are sleep deprived right now. Christopher is grabbing toys or anything you put in front of him. Every week he is changing so much.

Chadd went to the NASCAR races in Milwaukee last weekend with his dad and brother-in-law, Mike. They had a great time. Christopher greeted his dad for Father's Day with a onsie that said "Daddy is my super hero"

We are getting Christopher's pictures taken at BabiesRUs tomorrow (finally!)

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