Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mall of America and CPR

We had a fun, busy weekend. Ashly babysat for the neighbors on Friday night. On Saturday all four of us went to nephew Nate's 8th birthday party. We had pizza and cupcakes and then the kids went of rides for 3 hours. It was fun. We walked around with Christopher in his stroller. He did good being out and about. The bottom picture is the six grandchildren (and Grandma!) on Chadd's side of the family - Christopher, Ashly, Emily, Nick, Jackie and Nate. Nobody is looking on the picture because I tried to snap it so fast because of all the people walking by...we'll just think of it as an action shot!

Today Ashly's puppet's performed at the church (top picture). She is in a group called C.P.R. which stands for Christian Puppet Revival. It was fun to watch, and she really likes doing it. She was the hands on one of the puppets playing the drums. Someone else was the head and made it sing. Then Ashly was off to the Timberwolves game this afternoon. The choir and band students of Southwest were singing the national anthem. I hope she had a good time, I'm going to pick her up in about 15 minutes.

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