Monday, August 20, 2012

Three Bears

We had a nice family trip to the Three Bears Lodge outside of Wisconsin Dells.   Here the kids are playing at Knuckleheads an indoor park.  They are jumping on a huge pillow.

 Christopher liked going down the slides.  He said the red one was the fastest!

 Ashly and her friend Taylor walked up high on this obstacle course.

 There were several bouncy hoppers for Christopher to jump in.  He normally loves them, but wasn't feeling it that day so instead he bowled a couple games.

 And played a couple video games with a really, really big shoot gun!

 Back at the hotel water park.  Christopher loves going down the slides now!

There was no door on Ashly and Taylor's room with bunkbeds so they hung a sheet up.  Privacy please!  Doesn't work real well when your 3 year old brother crawls onto the top bunk with you at 830 in the morning with his backpack of toys and starts unloading everything on your bed!  At least it wasn't 530am!

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