Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hi Five anyone?

Dinosaurs and Bags

The minute you set a bag down, Chester jumps in it!

 Here Christopher is playing with his "high quality" remote control dinosaur that came free with a shirt from Kohls.  Needless to say, he thought the cord was too short and restrictive so he cut it.  He lost interest in the dinosaur shortly after that.  So much for that!

Best Friends

 Christopher and Chester have a good time playing together.

 Christopher shoots the nerf bullet tand it sticks on the window door, then Chester tries to get it.  They had fun!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cat Nap

 I caught Chester napping on the edge of the bathroom sink...silly kitty!!!

He was laying on our bags as we were packing for our trip last week!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Three Bears

We had a nice family trip to the Three Bears Lodge outside of Wisconsin Dells.   Here the kids are playing at Knuckleheads an indoor park.  They are jumping on a huge pillow.

 Christopher liked going down the slides.  He said the red one was the fastest!

 Ashly and her friend Taylor walked up high on this obstacle course.

 There were several bouncy hoppers for Christopher to jump in.  He normally loves them, but wasn't feeling it that day so instead he bowled a couple games.

 And played a couple video games with a really, really big shoot gun!

 Back at the hotel water park.  Christopher loves going down the slides now!

There was no door on Ashly and Taylor's room with bunkbeds so they hung a sheet up.  Privacy please!  Doesn't work real well when your 3 year old brother crawls onto the top bunk with you at 830 in the morning with his backpack of toys and starts unloading everything on your bed!  At least it wasn't 530am!

Sunday Paper

 This is Chadd attempting to read the Sunday paper.  However, the paper he is reading keeps getting attacked!

 If you can't fight it, join it.  Might as well let the little guy have some fun!! ATTACK!!  Sometimes I think he has a squirrel tail.

Cute Kids

 Ashy and Chester cuddling on the couch

Christopher's new car he got as a treat for being such a good boy taking pictures at Target Portrait Studios

Feeding Time!

 So we splurged and got Chester an automatic pet feeder.  It's nice for when we go away and it's nice for just everyday!  Here he is sitting by the box when I was unpacking it.  He is just everywhere we are.  He follows us around the house.  Even when I run downstairs to the laundry room quick he comes with.  I love that about him!

 He obviously loves the feeder.  He doesn't bug us so much at 430 in the morning anymore for a feeding!

 I was bending down to read the program on the feeder and he jumped on top of me.

He is a little blurry in the picture cause he moves so fast!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Nighty Night!

 Chester was sleeping on the couch and Christopher covered him up with his special blanky...then Chester went right back to sleep!

 Well...he tried to go back to sleep!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Fun, hot day

 Christopher having fun running through the spinklers!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Christopher is helping Chadd put a new sprinkler in the ground.  He likes helping dad.  I do believe Chadd has a little shadow!