Friday, June 1, 2012

Welcome Chester!!!

We are happy to welcome Chester into the family!  We picked him up at the Delta Cargo warehouse around 7pm on Wednesday.  He flew in on Alaskan Airlines from Seattle, Washington.  He was shaking and scared when we got him but I held him in the parking lot and he purred.  He liked us immediately!
He has adapted well to his new home!

He is very playful.  He is 3 months old.  I took him to the vet yesterday and he is healthy and weighs 6 pounds.

One of his favorite spots is under our bed.  He has ventured all around the upstairs, but as of now (Friday eve) he hasn't gotten up the courage to go downstairs yet!  Soon I know he will.  He is so cuddly and friendly and loves to be around people.  He will climb right up on our laps and want to be petted!  He has the best personality!

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