Sunday, September 4, 2011

Big Fair!

We had a blast at the Minnesota State Fair this year! Last year was tough for Christopher and he was a little too young to enjoy, but this year he had a great experience and Ashly was a great big sister!

Here he is "planting" a seed.

"Picking" an apple

He was going to ride the 4wheeler....but he got scared at the last moment and we pulled him!

However, he loved this dinosaur ride!

Eating French Fries!

Lots of people

Trying on cowboy hats

Petting the horses

My favorite - the perfect pickle!

Here we are waiting for Chadd and Ashly to go through the Haunted House

Chadd and Ashly coming out of the Haunted House

Christopher in the Minnesota Twins Hopper. He loves jumping!

The crowd got thicker as the day went on. We got there around 9am so we could park. We left about 330pm.

Riding the choo choo train.

Waiting in line for the AIRPLANE RIDE!!!! Soooo exciting!

Ashly and Christopher in the yellow airplane!

The kid's giant slide

The carousel

The big giant slide

Christopher trying out the wriggle riders. We got sucked in and bought one. He loves it!

Lots of people

Big crowdsAshly eating strawberries and of her favorite. Yum!

At home with Christopher's very own scooter. So much fun!

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