Tuesday, November 27, 2012

New Address

Please visit the continuation of the Life with the Larson Family on the new blogspot.  The address is www.larsonfamily2012.blogspot.com.  See you there!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Preschool Screening

                 From this precious baby with cute dimples...........


                To a super cute preschooler (with cute dimples!)..........

I was reminiscing because we went to Christopher's Early Childhood Screening today.  Wow!  To think that this is the first step in preparation to school makes me say good bye to my little baby boy and hello to a big boy that is going to turn into a man someday!

Here are some highlights of the screening:

1.  Teacher:  Can you count to 10? 
     Chris says: 1,2,3,10
     My internal response:  Really?! I know he can do better than that.

2.  Teacher:  Fill in the blank.  A brother is a boy, a sister is a _______?
     Chris says:  I don't know
     My internal response:  WHAT?!  He's been telling us for two years..."I"m a boy, daddy is a boy, chester is a boy, mom is a girl, sissy is a girl.  I have a peepee, dad has a peepee, mommy doesn't have a peepee, sissy doesn't have a peepee."  I'm pretty sure he knew that answer!

3. Teacher:  Where is your knee?  Can you point to it?
   Chris: Stands up, turns around and points to his butt.  The teacher sits there a moment, looks up, doesn't know if she wants to laugh or not, and looks at me and says, "I thought I had seen everything,  but this is a first!" 
  My internal response:  ..............

The rest of the screening went well.  They checked his hearing and eyes.  Both are perfect.  He copied building patterns and shapes on charts.  He drew lines and circles.  He was a really good listener and he followed directions very well.  I was very proud of him.

He is 39 pounds and 40 1/2 inches....both in the 75th percentile. 

His overall score was a 36 out of 48.  He needed an 18 to pass.  Great job to my big boy!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fun Weekend

 It was a great surprise that my parents came to visit for the weekend.  Christopher enjoyed Grandma reading stories and playing Angry Birds on Grandpa's ipad.

 Chadd made some great food.  This is a mini chicken wild rice soup bread bowl.  I have never had such a flavorful soup!  It was fantastic!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

Christopher went trick or treating with his friend Braden.  Christopher went with the spiderman/ironman combo costume and Braden went with the superman/batman costume.  When you can't decide on just one superhero, that's what you need to do!  It's a tough decision!

 The boys trick or treated for about an hour and a half.  Christopher got a little more than half his bucket full of candy.  He got a little scared after a boy jumped out behind a decoration at one of the houses.  After that scare he held my hand the rest of the time.  He was happy to eat some candy when he got home!  Ashly and Kyle stayed back and handed out candy at the house. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

My Little Kitty

 I think my little kitty is not so little anymore.  I think my little kitty is fat!!!!  Some of it's fur, but not all of it!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Kids and Cats

The kids have a lot of fun playing with Chester (Chris and I have nicknamed him "Chessy"  but Chadd doesn't like it!  I guess it's not real manly, or something!) 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Trip to Langdon

 We took a trip to Langdon during teacher's convention.  Thanks for feeding us and entertaining us, Mom and Dad!

 The girls carved pumpkins.  They also practiced driving with Grandma, went bowling and went to the movie theater.

 Christopher liked to play in the garage.  We brought his scooter along and he rode that around.  He had a good imagination and he kept saying that there was a big black and white bee in the drain.  He wasn't scared of it though, just wanted to keep looking down the drain.

We celebrated my 36th birthday!  Thanks for the DQ cake!